Good News for Coffee

15 Jun 2016

The WHO has confirmed the absence of links between coffee consumption and various types of cancer, removing the infusion from the list of "possibly carcinogenic" drinks.

"... A review of more than 500 medical and epidemiological studies conducted by 23 scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization (WHO) found no link between this drink and tumors of the breast, pancreas, prostate and 20 other cancers. However, the question of whether there is a very low risk of liver cancer and endometrial cancer remains. "

The coffee is now in Group 3 of the IARC, which includes substances "not classifiable as carcinogenic to humans". reports that "...The agency clarified that this does not mean that the substance is completely safe. 'Being in group 3 does not mean that it has been proven to be a safe substance. It means that the scientific evidence gathered so far is not sufficient to conclude whether or not it causes cancer. In this case it was found that the coffee is not linked with 20 types of cancers out of all kinds, reduced risks have been found for liver and endometrial tumors. Possible evidence with bladder cancer has become weaker and at this time we can not determine that the coffee is linked with the development of tumors in this area," said a report prepared by the IARC."

See "Report Carcinogenicity of drinking coffee, matte, and very hot beverages ."
