Official name: Republic of El Salvador

Total Area (including land and inland water): 21041 sq km

Boundaries: North, Honduras; East, Honduras and Gulf of Fonseca; South, Pacific Ocean; West, Guatemala

Elevations: Highest – Cerro Monte Cristo (2418 meters); lowest – sea level.

Highest point: Cerra El Pital, 2730 meters

Coastline: 307 km on the Pacific.

Climate: Tropical. Rainy season (May to October); dry season (November to April)

OthercitiesSanta Ana, San Miguel, Soyapango, Apopa.

Capital and largest city: San Salvador (“The Savior”)

Population: 7.2 million (Almost 90% of the population is of mixed Indian and Spanish extraction. About 1% is indigenous.

Independence: September 15, 1821

Constitution: December 20, 1983.

Government type: Republic

Branches: Executive, president and vice-president. Legislative – 84 member. Legislative assembly.

Judicial: Independent (Supreme Court)

Administrativesubdivision: Ahuachapán, Cabañas, Chalatenango, Cuscatlán, La Libertad, La Paz, La Unión, Morazán, San Miguel, San Salvador, San Vicente, Santa Ana, Sonsonate, Usulután.

Major language: Spanish (Official). English widely spoken.

Major religious group: Roman Catholics.

Life expectancy: 68 years (men), 77 years (women)

Monetary Unit: US Dollar since 2001

Main exports: textiles and apparel, ethyl alcohol, coffee, sugar, medicines, iron, steel products, tuna, light manufacturing and paper products.

GNI per Capita: US 3480

Internet Domain: su

International dialing code: +503

Time zone: GMT -6

National Tree: El Maquilishuat

National Bird: Torogoz

National Flower: Izote